I was told recently that sex has devolved from courting to dating to random hookups and "freinds with benefits" and now we're at the point where sex can be had for the low, low effort of a single text message with a single character "?"
I did, to be fair, see that once on a TV show...."How I Met Your Mother" I think... but c'mon, that's TV. No sane person would take that any more seriously than say, Fox News.
Bad enough it's done via text message and not via an actual conversation. But even worse, any questions I ask from now on have a sort of sexual implication. I mean really, if there's something's wrong, in your neighborhood you can call the Ghostbuster, but now that would require Egon to have the unlimited SMS plan with Verizon and they don't have good coverage. And when asked "who ya gonna call?" the implicatoin is that Bill Murray is getting some.
I simply find it difficult to believe that sex via text message (oh, side note, I will not use the term "sexting" here. I'm not a twelve year old girl) has devolved to a single character. The booty call was, to my taste, the limit. At least that required you to have some basic human fucking communications skills. You had to at drunkenly think up something lame to say when trying to get laid at two in the goddamn morning. Now all you have to do is send a "?" ?
And then in response if it's a yes, you get a "!". The exclamation point. Newspaper journalists used to call an exclamation point in a headline a "slammer" and computer programmers often refer to it as a "bang". Both of which are completely apropo for this purpose, but that doesn't make the single character response proper etiquette for inviting someone to come by and fill you full of cock.
Besides, that kind of thing completely ruins the question mark for me. How else are you supposed to write a question? If you don't put a question mark at the end, it's grammatically just a statement, isn't it? On the other hand, are you a chick and relatively hot? Yes? Then?