Monday, January 31, 2011

Existential dreams

I don't do drugs but I think maybe I should start because I just woke up from a dream that started to get way too much like real life. I'm in a room with live music playing and talking to some girl and things are going well. And somehow I got asked what my favorite sexual position was and my response was "eh, I'll take whatever I can get" and then she went to talk to someone else. It does not bode well for me when my subconscious brain in a deep level of REM sleep rejects me.

And then there was a Cheetah that was chasing me, and I'm rather slow and kinda chubby so I'm glad I woke up. Except that I'm supposed to be in a weekly sales meeting in a few hours and I can't go back to sleep.

However, i'm glad that my subconscious brain had higher standards than my conscious one. That just means that when I'm on a date I should try to fall asleep more.


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