Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dinosaur Porn.

i don't know why I'm up at three AM. More so, I don't know why I'm watching Animal Planet shows, because I'm watching a show on sex in evolution

Which basically means shark porn, elephant porn, honeybee porn. I just watched a coral spooge into the ocean that I swim in. I just watched a elephants fucking. This is not something that I will be able to unsee. And keep in mind, I can't see very well, so a lot of this shit I now keep in my imagination. You do NOT want the mental image of moose cock. Ever. Seriously.

Now the only thing running through my brain is whether the animals know they're being filmed understand what that means. And that makes me wonder who the giraffe version of Jenna Jameson is.

As a side note, Bonobo is way too appropriate a name for that animal. It would only have been more appropriate if they were instead called the noisyfuck. And Jesus do they fuck a lot.

I mean seriously, I know we evolved from primates. But I mentally don't understand how we could evolve from monkeys who spend that much time fucking. Our ancestors couldn't have learned how to use tools, they were too busy fucking. But I do see a striking resemblance in penis size between me and a chimpanzee, so there's that I suppose.


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