Thursday, June 27, 2019


heard Bob Mueller referred to as the "Joe Friday" of this mess today. I don't know if that makes William Barr the Buford T. Justice or the Boss Hogg.

If you got none of those references I would like to politely reiterate, fuck you, I'm not that old.

Dem Primary Debate 1 - Night 1

Did I listen to 'debate' night 1? Yeah. But did I REALLY listen? Nah. First off, it's not a real debate. It's a group press conference. Show and tell for the overambitious. Second and more importantly, I don't care. Not a bit. Don't give half a shit at all. Whoever gets the nomination for 2020, that's my vote. Unless Bill Weld is suddenly anointed by God or Trump has a stroke in the middle of the 8'th hole fairway, I don't give a shit who gets nominated by the Dems, they get my vote. #JosephDiAngelgo2020 motherfuckers. I'll even take De Blasio over the current shitshow.

Now if I could choose who I wanted, that would be a different story. Then I'd choose John Wick. Not Keanu Reeves. I mean the John Wick character played by Keanu Reeves. Because I like the idea of Keanu Reeves having to spend four years in character meeting a bunch of diplomats and foreign leaders as John Wick. Plus I'm not entirely convinced Trump will leave willingly when he looses. I also like to imagine what would happen in the Senate when Mitch decides not to hold a hearing for a judicial nominee.

In the meantime, I get it, you can speak Spanish. Congrats. I'm going to spend a few hours on Pornhub now to get the picture of these people out of my head.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Space Tourism

Why should you be in favor of space tourism? Because if we can send Elon Musk to the moon or to Mars we won’t have to deal with him on Earth.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Technicalities of Law

well, i mean technically he's an adult now, so when I'm not sure where my kid is, it's not really 'child neglect', right?