Unless you’re the Press Secretary for the White House and you’re completely full of shit, it’s usually better to be full of something than it is to just have ‘some’ of something. It’s nice to have some money, but to have a wallet that’s full; that’s pretty nice. Having some food is much better than being in Syria or the DR Congo or Venezuela and not having any, but having a belly full of saimin when it’s rainy outside, WAY better. I think I made my point. So how come something that’s awesome is better than something that’s awful? I look at that “Earthrise” picture taken from lunar surface I am filled with awe. Completely full of it, in fact. When I see a picture of the Obamas I’m impressed, but mostly just that someone with those ears managed to successfully run such a long con against Michelle. So there’s some awe, but really just a moderate amount. Again, I think I made my point. I’m not saying you’re all doing it wrong, but I will note that one of the grammar rules in English is that you don’t end a sentence with a preposition, and the only reason that rule exists is that back in like the 1700’s, nerds all learned Latin and it is grammatically impossible in Latin, so they just decided to make that a rule in English even though in English that would be perfectly fine. And that’s some bullshit nobody should put up with.