Okay, I give up. You found us out. Biden is actually a lizard clone and not really the President and this whole fake virus thing was just a way to kill a few million people, crater the global economy and make sure the Jews can inject you with 5G tracking nanites so they can target you with their space laser, while simultaneously giving us the entertainment of making you look silly by wearing a piece of cloth over your face. You're so smart for figuring it all out. Look at how smart you are! Congratulations you.
If I'm being totally honest here, I was in on the whole thing from the start, mostly just to make you look silly by wearing a piece of cloth over your face. But ya got me! Man, we were this close to pulling the whole thing off, but your keen deduction skills and logic just saw right through it. Can't pull one over on you. Just like you can't pull that cloth over your nose.