Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Pie

 In an admittedly poor effort to do something different for what is likely a pretty lame Thanksgiving, instead of making a regular pumpkin pie, I made a pumpkin cheesecake.

I'm not a huge fan of cake, it's not that it's bad, but if you're going to put in that level of effort, make shortbread. And so I prefer pies. Except Thanksgiving is a traditionally pie-based holiday, so, you know, cheesecake. 

Problem is, pumpkin spice cheesecake is a shit idea. 

It's still like half pumpkin which means it tastes like the gritty asscrack of a leftover jack-o-lantern and it doesn't even combine the best parts of each dessert. With your standard pumpkin pie, what you're going for is to taste the spices.  For cheesecake it's texture and richness. For a pumpkin cheesecake, what you get is a bland pie where the spices are cancelled by the cream cheese and the richness is cancelled by the fucking pumpkin and the texture is cancelled out by specks of....I'm going to say that's nutmeg, but who the fuck knows? 

This was a shit idea. Perfect for 2020.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Election Coverage

Not a single person who has spent any significant time in Florida would keep referring to it as a "great state" as much as these idiots. Just give me the ballot counts.

Monday, November 02, 2020


 You want to adhere strictly to the text of the Constitution, I’m fine with that, but the word “God” doesn’t appear in the Constitution at all. The word “erection” does though. And that does seem appropriate for this administration.


Tortilla chips being advertised to me as 'gluten free' almost makes me want to say "fuck it. Build the wall!"


 The only thing I'm looking forward to with the election tomorrow is that I get like a week off before the 2024 election season starts.