Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Games as Work Training

The kid bought a game the other day where you start off at the bottom level of hell. The objective is to escape up through each level until you can escape out of hell. 

They also apparently have fish swimming around in the lava that you can catch and trade in for upgraded equipment.

When you finally get to the end and you're about to leave the underworld, Hades finds you, kicks you back to the bottom of hell and increases the difficulty level, making you start all over again from the beginning. 

Apparently, you can arm yourself with a Holy Rail Gun. 

I'm not necessarily one for playing many computer games beyond say, Minesweeper, but if you're going to play computer games, this one at least seems to be good training for work meetings in general.

And Zoom meetings in particular.

Monday, October 12, 2020


 All I'm asking for is consistency. If you post a picture of your food and then post a picture of your children, don't complain when I reply to both saying they look delicious.

Holiday Priorities

 In the US, you get a day off to celebrate Columbus - who never actually made it to North America, despite making four trips, but you don't get a day off to vote. Because, you know, priorities.

Friday, October 02, 2020

Conspiracy Theories

 My conspiracy theory is that 2020 is trying to turn me into an alcoholic.