Eliot Spitzer
Okay seriously, have you seen Alexantra Dupre? I mean hell, she's hot. We should be congratulating Spitzer, not prosecuting the guy. Bill Clinton got a blowjob from a chubby intern. Based on those standards, maybe we should consider Spitzer for the White House. At least then we'd have a Presiden who can score with a good looking chick.
Okay, so he had to pay for sex, but at least he had taste. Hugh Grant paid for it too, and he / she was ugly as fuck. At least Spitzer has some class. He could have taught Bill Clinton a thing or two about the phrase "you get what you pay for." We should be giving the guy a high five, not a plea bargain
Okay, so he had to pay for sex, but at least he had taste. Hugh Grant paid for it too, and he / she was ugly as fuck. At least Spitzer has some class. He could have taught Bill Clinton a thing or two about the phrase "you get what you pay for." We should be giving the guy a high five, not a plea bargain