Thursday, August 20, 2009

thought of the day 2009 09 02 - video game careers

Passed an old Pac Man game today. Actually I think it was Mrs. Pac Man, but whatever. Odd that they never had any Pac babies. I'm just saying. But I digress. It got me thinking back to when I was younger and used to love video games. I used to love the racing games. I used to think that one day I might grow up to be a race car driver. Made me kind of wonder though, how you might be able to turn video game skills into careers. Like if you play Tetris a lot maybe you grow up to be the guy who has to load the baggage on the airplane. I'm good at Tetris, I think I could do that job. Or now they have Pocket God on the iPhone. I could be a deity. I would be an awesome deity. But then again, I'm good at Grand Theft Auto but I'd make a horrible carjacker.


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