Sunday, August 16, 2009

thought of the day 2009 08 26 - strippers

I've been to strip clubs, not really my thing, but walked past one on my way home last night and it got me thinking. You know how there's like different stripper costumes? Like usually they're revolved around different professions right? sexy nurse, sexy policewoman, sexy french maid, sexy schoolgirl, whatever. You know what you never see: sexy civil servant. Sometimes you'll get the sexy secretary, but haven't you wondered what kind of job would have a secretary and why that person couldn't have a stripper costume and "sexy" prefixed to it? Like sexy accountant, or sexy trusts and estates lawyer. You know what you really never see? sexy hobo. Why is that? Can't homeless people be sexy too? There must be some, urine scented, slightly disheveled with that "just woke up from napping on the bus bench" look with a little bit of cleavage action going on.


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