Saturday, August 15, 2009

thought of the day 2009 08 22 - Rock Band

Here's the thing. So lately I've been on this Rush trip. Like the band...Rush...Like the fucking most awesome rock band ever? Shut the fuck up, I'm not that old. How do you not know Rush. Oh you know who Jimi Fucking Hendrix is but you don't know Rush? No, it's Jimi, not Jimmy. How many years did you spend in school and you don't know that? What the hell are they teaching you? Christ almighty Di, you have no sense of quality music. Oh I beg to fucking differ woman, Kelly Clarkson has a very nice voice but her career does not constitute that of a rock god. And so what if I do listen to Van Morrison?!?! Oh, I'm sorry, um COLDPLAY! What the fuck.

Getting off topic. So I decided that i need to create a new game. Instead of that Rock Band game where you can play the different instruments, I need to create a board game that parents can play with their kids. It'll like bring the family back together and shit. It'll work like this. You pick a band and list all the people and you have to decide what each person is mostly like to do. Like how the drummer is always "most like to die of a cocaine overdose while banging 7 groupies backstage at some shit club in San Francisco" or how the bass player is aways "most likely to have a boring ass job painting houses while he waited for the band to 'make it'." So you get together pictures of the band and you all go around and decide what each person is "most likely" for. But there have to be rules. There has to be some challenge to it. For example, you can't say that the lead vocalist is most likely to commit suicide because nobody "gets him." There has to be some challenge to it. No, like with the drummer, you have to specify what drug or combination of drugs cause the overdose. It's hard. So that's my idea. I'm going to make that game.

I do not have too much free time.


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