Sunday, August 16, 2009

thought of the day 2009 08 25 - Limitations of Facebook

Had a customer of mine 'friend' me on Facebook. I like that idea, they're a very good customer, but there are limits. Like I was thinking about Obama. His campaign used YouTube and lots of social networking websites and he's the tech President and shit, and he had a Blackberry. Great. But I wouldn't add Obama to my Facebook. It's not that I don't think he would have good ideas, it's just that I don't want to encourage someone in the highest office in the land to be goofing off at 2 AM like fucking playing Bejeweled. And yeah, I realize it would kinda be funny to see "you just got poked by Barack the Vote!" but I expect more from my President. I sure he could fucking clean up in Mafia Wars but at the same time, I don't want him scrolling through my news feed looking at what I thinking about when I stumble home drunk or having to respond to 25 million chain letters asking him to fill out fucking questionnaires about his high school. Quite frankly, I know everything I want to know about Punahou.


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