Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Republican Slogan

So by now, most of you have heard that some Dick named Cheney shot a lawyer friend of his during a hunting "accident" this past weekend. Between slipping approval ratings and continued criticism of the war in Iraq, the Republicans should be looking for a party campaign slogan. If we take a look at some of the things this party has done let's see what we can come up with. Shall we?

The No Child Left Behind Act has crushed a number of schools and put unreasonable burdens on some that are underperforming while cutting education dollars to make it even more difficult for those schools to suceed, in a sense, leaving every child behind.

Scooter (and honestly, how the fuck does a Chief of Staff to the Vice President get a name like "scooter"? Scooter is the name you give to the crippled kid down the block) Libby leaked information about active CIA Agent Valerie Plame because of her husband's criticism of the administration.

The Administration failed to react to the Katrina disaster in a timely manner even though they had multiple reports the evening after the hurricane that the levy system in New Orleans had failed.

Based on this and similar action I think the party should use the following for its slogan to scare the shit out of the it's enemies:

"Republicans: If we're willing to do this kind of shit to our own people, just imagine what we'll do to you. Bitch."


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