Thursday, February 02, 2006

If my last name was King

I was sad to hear that Martin Luther King Jr.'s wife had died. Not that I knew her or anything, just that it seems like so much missed opprotunity. Now if you're Marting Luther King III that's some heavy legacy to live up to. But if I had the last name King, regardless of who I was, I would change my first name to Fu. I'm Chinese, I can get away with shit like that. Wouldn't that be cool. Fu King. Stand up in the first day of class as a little kid and tell the teacher and class that your name is Fu King.

"What did you say young man!" she would yell.

"Fu King idiot. My name is Fu King" I would reply.

"That's it young man, you march right down the principals office. It's the big door in the hallway marked Mr. Dickson Butts. Go right this instant."

And so would be the start of each and every school year from K through 12.


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