Friday, February 03, 2006


Now look, I know I'm not religious nor am I prone to fads, but I remember at some point there was a big thing about this and it was some Jesus thing. For the life of me, I cannot remember what the hell WWJD stands for. So, when I walk down the street and happen to pass by a chick that I'm pretty damn sure is a lesbian and happen to say "Wonder Woman Jumps Dykes" it's not because I'm an offensive person (I am, but not for that reason). It's because I don't believe in whatever little bullshit accessories your cult was handing out seven years ago, nor do I care to remember what the acronym actually stood for. So whether it's "Wonder Woman Jumps Dykes" or "What Wonderful Jack Daniels" I do not deserve to be smacked by a random crazy bitch on the street.


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