Monday, May 19, 2008

And we can't fucking get touch screen voting to work?!?!?!?

So last friday, I'm sitting after work waiting for my son and his mom to meet at the movie theatre. First of all ticket prices are outrageous and my one ticket to see Iron Man just paid the minimum wage salary for the stoner working the cash register at the snack bar for like three hours, but that's beside the point.

They have these machines now where you can buy a ticket with a touch screen. I don't have to stand in line and tell some other minimum wage monkey what movie and how many adult tickets and how many child tickets I just tap the screen for the movie, the time, the tickets etc. and I can pay with cash or credit card. Now somebody, please fucking tell me how it is that the movie industry can have these machines and we can't get them when we elect, oh the fucking President of the United States. I can get a paper stub when I go see fucking Speed Racer but if I want to verify that I selected John Kerry instead of George W. Bush I'm shit out of luck? Something is very fucking wrong here.

I saw a six year old work the fucking machine and we can't get these working for adults? Now granted most six year olds can probably program a fucking VCR now and yet my parent's VCR still blinks 12:00 on the clock, but still, it's not that damn difficult.


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