Monday, September 10, 2007

You Suck - repost

I got an email today. It was really the first email commentary I've gotten of pretty much anything I've written that wasn't an academic critique or a friend telling me I've got a twisted sense of reality and to stop smoking crack when I think about flying cars. It was however, a very short email. Pretty much just "hey, read your stuff. You suck." First off, if you're going to harass me, at least be kind enough to tell me what it was that sucked. I'm not a prolific writer or anything, but narrow the field down a little you vague prick. Secondly, it's not that I mind the negative commentary, but I do mind the generic negative commentary. If I'm going to take shit from people it should be something more specific to me like "Hey, you can do calculus, why can't you balance a fucking checkbook?!" or "Hey, the next time you tell someone to go fuck themselves, he'd better be a gymnast and not a bouncer with fists the size of watermelons you dumbass!"


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