Sunday, January 07, 2007

Wizard of Oz

You know how in The Wizard of Oz, at the end, Dorothy misses the balloon and the good witch tells her she can just click her heels three times to go home?
If I were Dorothy, I’d be fucking pissed. "You mean I could have done that the whole fucking time! You made me do all that shit, put my self and my dog in danger and made me wander around a city full of midgets and I could have gone home any time I wanted. Are you fucking kidding me!?!? I’m supposed to be the main goddamn character here, I’m the Character in Chief, and right now my intelligence service is sucking balls. Oh my God, I'm going to know what, screw you guys, I’m going home.” Then she clicks her heels twice, points to the witch and says, "fuck you”, points to the lion and says “fuck you”, points to the scarecrow and says, ”you're cool”, points to the tin man and says, “fuck you. I'm out." Then she clicks her heels again and goes home


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