Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unsupervised Time

I had a lot of unsupervised time as a kid, which is probably why I am the way I am. A lot of the time was because my dad's been married 4 times and I was there for three of them. Hell, I've been best man or signed witness at one them.

And I don't know if you know this, but I'm not married, no current girlfriend (yeah, that's a shocker) so it's kind of weird developmentally when you grow up and realize your dad is getting more play than you. You kind of have to just take a moment to do a little self reflection when you realize that your DAD has more game than you do. But it's fine, you know? He's happy so I'm okay with it. Just don't go having more kids. I don't think there's a big enough piece of paper in the world for when my kid has to draw out his family tree in school. He'll be saying "um what if I just try to draw this out with some chalk in the parking lot."

And sadly, these are the things I think about with my unsupervised time now.


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