Wednesday, November 18, 2009

thought of the day 2009 11 23 - I kind of want the world to end in 2012

Not that I necessarily want to see the world come to an end. I mean first off it's the whole world. There's so much culture and so many people who would die. But it's also where I keep all my stuff.

And it's not like a want everyone to die, 'cause lets face it, a world without Jessica Alba, not a world I want to be in.

But I would love to see the world end in 2012 because I love the idea of a bunch of homeless people who spend all day yelling at people and pissing themselves just be able to turn to some lawyer on the street, right at the point of Armageddon and just go "See! This is what I'm saying...that's right, we're all screwed. SUCK IT BITCH! I WAS RIGHT!" I want for them to be right just once.


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