Friday, December 02, 2005

Jesus at Christmas

What does Jesus do on Christmas? I mean it sucks enough to have your birthday and Christmas on the same day because you only get one set of presents per year, but does Jesus have to make a Christmas list? I mean he's the son of God, doesn't he just sort of imagine shit up and get it? And what about the whole being good all year thing? He feeds hungry masses, cures the sick and dying, turns water into wine and dies for all the sins of all humanity and that's not enough to carry over for a while? On a normal scale just one miracle is probably enough for a new XBox for Christmas but the guy does this daily. I mean how would Santa reward something like that? That of course is the real question, not What would Jesus Do, it's What Would Santa Do? And when Christs gets resurrected, how would he deal with mall Santa's? You walk up to a elf, "Hi, I am the savior of all mankind, He who died for the sins of all mankind, can I get a picture with the guy in the beard....and a pony?"


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