Thursday, November 08, 2018

Doing The Job

For now, my thoughts and prayers are with the bullets. In these mass shootings, the President blames the victims for not having armed guards at a church, the NRA tells you to concealed carry a 9mm in yoga pants that can't conceal the Costco muffin you had for breakfast. Congress is fucking useless and State governments can't solve for lax gun laws in neighboring States so they generally don't bother trying. Cops try to shoot back and typically wound the shooter or, more often, he shoots himself. Republicans want to provide mental health care, by voting to fucking repeal health care laws and Democrats are so fearful of pissing someone off they're useless (though to be fair, I wouldn't trust the hipster who made my coffee with a water pistol, let alone a 1911 or a Glock 19). In all of this fucking idiocy, the only things actually doing their goddamn job are the bullets. So until somebody else decides to actually serve their fucking purpose instead of wasting space, my thoughts and prayers are with the bullets. Keep it up.


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