Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Some fanfare was made last week after Kanye's visit to the White House. Upon reflection, I still don't give half a shit about Kanye.

But please tell me that when he said that a hat made him feel like Superman, that somebody reminded him that technically, Superman was an undocumented alien, here illegally, who didn't ask for refugee status in accordance with international law and stole a lawful American reporter's job. A job in print media that the President can't read and doesn't like. One which pays a decent wage and probably has healthcare benefits which Superman wouldn't need. Unless he came across Kryptonite, which would be considered a pre-existing condition and wouldn't be covered by any of the GOP plans to repeal the ACA.

If his ship arrived today, Trump Administration policies would have separated him from the Kents, made him sign away legal rights despite not being of legal age and probably would have tried to have him deported.

In any event, Superman operates without any legal warrants, doesn't appear to show up to testify in any criminal or civil trials and has caused significant damage to public infrastructure without any taking of personal responsibility or facing any real consequence. I guess technically Clark Kent pays taxes, which is more than we can say for Jared Kushner. Aside from having taxes withheld, he's actually kind of the perfect example for this White House - do what I say or I'll punch you; you need to follow the law, but I'll do what the fuck I want; blow a bunch of shit up and take zero personal responsibility for it. That's pretty Trump.

Somebody pointed all of this out to Kanye, right?


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