Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Economic stimulus

There are a bunch of unemployed Americans. There is a shortage of hot women with Irish accents. Therefore I propose the following:

Hire a bunch of Americans to email the Irish and sell them Viagra. Hire more Americans to make ad ship the Viagra. If it's fake Viagra that's probably okay too, but I'm just saying. It's a good plan.

First off, it's Viagra. It'll sell.

Secondly, You can't go to the Chinese because there's already too many of them. They don't need help. They keep to one kid per couple and there's still so many of them they have to create new Chinatown's all over the world...man that's one franchise, I wish I could have gotten in on at the ground level.

Thirdly, the Irish may be so white they're damn near transparent, but that accent is hot and they can make a mean single malt. (She was a just a whiskey maker but I loved her still).

And finally, doesn't it seem like a good idea that something besides the economy get stimulated as well?


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