Sunday, August 30, 2009

thought of the day 2009 09 16 - when I die

Here's the thing, I'm not a Muslim, but if I were ever to blow myself up in the middle of a crowded market, I don't really care about the 72 virgins. First off, virgins? Really? Not that I'd want a giant slut, but I think I'd put "some experience required" on the job opening. And second of all 72 of them? really? At the same time? I'm already dead, 72 chicks would mean at least one AMI, if not more than one, not to mention the dehydration. That's just fucking crazy.

And let's be clear, at some point all 72 of them would probably have their cycle's sync up and that's jut a big fucking disaster waiting to happen. Eternity in a place where every few weeks I can expect to get yelled at and/or clawed? Pass.

No, if I were to blow myself up with 20 lbs. of Semtex strapped to my back, I'd want waffles. And not the frozen kind, but like good, freshly made Belgian waffles with real maple syrup...and bacon.


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