Hard Dicks vs. Breathing
So juding by the amount of spam I get, I would have to say that if half the people interested in keeping my dick hard were interesting in curing cancer I could smoke without fear of one day having to talk through a tube. Now far be it from me to tell everyone what their priorities should be but something seems very up fucked here if I have to spend tens of thousands on chemo after spending five bucks a pack on smokes but I can spend 50 cents on a little blue pill to keep me rockin' all night long. Hell I can't even buy a 50 Cent album for 50 cents and that's about what it's worth. And the most fucked up part about it is that if I have an Rx, I can get insurce to cover a pill that may or may not cause my heart to go into overdrive and kill me but if I'm a smoker it raises my fucking insurance premiums and co-payments. Now look, I'm not saying that a hard dick isn't a nice thing to have but priorities people priorities. It's not like you have a shot with Jessica Alba anyway, what are you going to do with a 48 hour erection? I mean besides spank it in the bathroom at work 192 times.
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