Monday, September 17, 2007

TV sponsership

I don't want my TV shows to be brought to me by Vagisil. I realize they have to advertise but I have serious reservation about anything in that product family sponsering a particular show. to be fair, I'd feel the same way if Viagra or Enzyte tried to sponser a show. Quite frankly I just don't want to consider how they'd do product placement for something like that. Snapple I can see on Heroes or whatever, but Vagisil? Explain to me, if you can, how you do Vagisil product placement in the Sopranos? I really don't think it's doable. And while some of the scenes in 24 might be kind of intense, I certainly can't see Jack Bauer torturing a guy with some Tampax because it was the only thing around. Don't get me wrong, I can figure out how he would do it, just that I can't see that one being written in. I guess if you get a show like CSI or NCIS, you can probably work in a way for them to "find" some VALTREX herpe medication on some dead person but really now, would it improve the plot line any? Fuck no.

So please, TV advertisers and people in charge of marketing budgets larger than twice my annual salary, please, stop fucking with my TV. Because when I'm watching 30 Rock and eating some chips and salsa, I don't want to have to consider how much more absorbent Always are over Stayfree.

The interesting thing to me is the actors on those ads. Can you imagine the guy on the VALTREX commercials? This guy is now proud to be the national face of herpes. And if anybody actually watched those commercials, I would say that they didn't pay the dude nearly enough because he is never getting laid again every unless the chick already has like Chlamydia. Yes, that's right I can spell Chlamydia, get fucking over it. My point is that the guy might as well pack his dick in a box, 'cause it ain't gonna be used for much else for quite some time.


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