Friday, August 21, 2020

Culture and Society

 Consider, if you will, the arc of human history and the progress of civilizations. 

Take the BLT for example. Great sandwich when done correctly. But in order for it to be created, someone had to invent the sandwich. And in order for that to be created, someone had to think of slicing bread. 

On the other hand, consider also that in order to have the BLT, someone had to invent bacon. I mean, sliced bread is something of an obvious conclusion. If someone has a knife and a loaf of bread, you slice the thing. But bacon, someone had to truly innovate to invent bacon. 

So the next time some idiot app developer asks you to help troubleshoot code for free, in your spare time, because his app is “the greatest thing since sliced bread” tell him to piss off and come back when he's got the greatest thing since bacon. 

You’ll have weekends free until you’re dead.


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