Tuesday, December 15, 2009

thought of the day 2009 12 23 - The Food Court

When you're in the food court at the mall, who's the court jester? I'm betting Panda Express. I mean you're going to eat there, then an hour later, you're hungry again. Plus compared to Hot Dog on a Stick, it just blows, Panda Express could have developed Orange Chicken on a Stick, but no, they're just a bunch of lazy illegal immigrants here to live off our social security and they don't even bother to learn the language. "Sweet Fire" chicken, what the fuck is that. Fire doesn't have a flavor it has a temperature. "Fire" is not a goddamn adjective nor a noun. Sweet Sour Chicken. Gotcha, it's both sweet and sour, it's descriptive. Mushroom Chicken. Gotcha, mushrooms and chicken, check. Sweet Fire chicken? What the fuck? You cannot use a noun to describe another noun. I don't go around saying shit like "wow, that sure is some training bra printer ink."

also...and no, I don't have a good segue for this, so just deal with it.

When you're in the food court and you get some really shitty food, can you appeal and if so, wouldn't it be neat to see someone petition for certiorari based on getting some General Tso's chicken that was actually made by a Vietnamese guy?


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