Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why does dinner need so much help?

I went grocery shopping this afternoon and was trying to figure out what to make for dinner. Sort of on a whim I started looking at Hamburger Helper. I rarely buy any of this kind of mix stuff. Usually I'll cook from scratch or just eat out somewhere. At worst, maybe a frozen pizza or spaghetti if I don't really feel like cooking. I mean boiling noodles and opening a thing of sauce doesn't really constitute cooking.

So anyway, Hambuger Helper, Chicken Helper. They even have Tuna Helper. But seriously, why do these things need help. Hambuger + garlic salt & pepper + bread crumbs + onion on a grill. How the shit does hambuger need any help. Are these foods so helpless that they can't fend for themselves anymore?

How pathethic have we become that all of our foods need help now.   
I had a really nice steak  and it didn't need any fucking help at all. 
All it needed was a baked potato and some worcheshire...worste.. that sauce. 


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