Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mormons and Heavevn vs. Hell

So I had these two Mormon missionaries come and visit me they told me there isn't really a hell just sort of different levels of heaven. So when they die they go to a "good heaven". But a non-Mormon, like a Jew or something goes to lame heaven, which I guess isn't really Hell, but is sort of like Heck. I still not sure I grasp all the details but from what I gather, in good heaven you get like a dozen wives and a large house and all the good stuff. Except that I'm not mormon so even if I'm a good person I go mediocre heaven which is probably something like one wife and maybe a kid in a decent two bedroom apartment. Except that I probably haven't been all that good so I'll probably end up with two ex-wives, a girlfriend and maybe a steady hooker if I haven't been a total asshole.


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