Friday, November 27, 2009

thought of the day 2009 12 03 - how come nobody wears a cape anymore?

So because I was out in Kona instead of at home, I didn't do my Thanksgiving tradition of watching one of the Star Wars movies but I did happen to catch part of one of them and I have to say, Lando Calrissian totally rocks the cape. How come more people don't wear capes? Vader had a cape and he was a badass. It's comic book heroes and futuristic sci-fi people who can rock the cape. I need a modern, non-comic hero to bring the cape back into style. Like Matthew McCono-whateverthefuckhisnameis. Were he to wear a cape in his next horrible romantic comedy with Kate Hudson, there's an outside chance that I could get laid instead of laughed at. Moral of the story: less magicians, but more capes.


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