Monday, November 19, 2007

Taxes are fucking complicated

I realize it's not Apr. 15'th yet, but seriously, taxes are goddamn complicated and it's just stupid. I mean my taxes aren't that complicate but to get them right you have to pay someone to do them which basically means shelling out a couple hundred bucks on top of whatever I have to pay anyway. So I'm spending money so that I can have someone else take away more of my money. That's just fucking wrong. I mean in a battle a soldier doesn't come up to an enemy soldier and go
"Look, I'd like to shoot you but it says that on line 3c I have to take the differnece of our force reserves and multiply that by the coefficient of friction and divide that number by the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow to figure out how many times to shoot you. Or you can take the alternative minimum ass kicking and I'll throw a grenade at you."
It's like bouncing a check at the bank. There's returned check fee where you charge me more of something you already know I don't have because I bounced the check in the first place. And when we get to taxes you know even better that I don't have any fucking money because every April 15'th I feel like I got cleaned out more than if I had a high colonic.


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