Monday, September 03, 2018

Pandas and Frogs

Why don’t I consider intelligent design a reasonable theory to be taught in science class? Because it’s not a theory. It’s inherently not an idea that can be tested in a replicable manner. If you want to teach it in a religion class, I’m okay with that. But it inherently relies on God, who, if he does exist is such a ad designer that He made the panda; an animal so lazy that even porn isn’t enough to get to get it to fuck. There are frog species who mate in these giant orgies. Sometimes female frogs are crushed to death in these piles and are still successful in mating. But the panda is still too lazy to fuck. Any designer of sufficient intelligence, either designed the panda intentionally because he’s kind of an asshole, or isn’t that intelligent of a designer. I’m not expecting the genetics version of Steve Jobs but the panda is the sort of work you expect from a five year old on a sugar high. So no, intelligent design should not be taught in science class.


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